Flare - GoDaddy APP

Flare: The new business idea testing app from GoDaddy

So you’ve got a business idea that you love. Before you throw money at it, you need some feedback. You could ask your family and friends what they think of your idea and maybe get some positive comments. While that might be nice, it’s not be necessarily helpful.

The early stages of starting a business can be some of the most stressful and busiest times in your business career. You can end up pouring so much time and money into an idea only for it to be a Flare - GoDaddy APPflop. It happens to the best of entrepreneurs. However, there are some things that you can do to minimise business risk.

What you need is some non-biased feedback so you don’t end up launching a business that has no real potential. At first you might only want some quick feedback, just to see if there’s something in your idea. Once you’ve got some interest in your idea you can move ahead more confidently.


This is where Flare comes in, the new app from GoDaddy.

The domain name registration company has launched Flare to help budding entrepreneurs assess their business ideas. So far Flare is only available through iOS but is soon coming to Android too.

The app will feature a community of like-minded individuals who can rate business ideas and give honest feedback. It aims to be the first place that entrepreneurs turn to when they want to take the next steps in starting a business.

It has a similar principle to Tinder, you can swipe right for the ideas that you like and believe have some potential. You can swipe left to get rid of the idea from your screen.

GoDaddy has already anticipated users who might try to flood the app by posting the same idea multiple times. Every Flare user can submit one idea per day and if they’re not popular, they won’t last long. If it gains less than ten followers or right swipes in a 24 hour period, then the idea is automatically deleted from the app.

If your idea becomes popular, you are then able to ask other users quick questions and for advice on what the next steps are to make your idea a reality. You are advised not to go into technical detail or to think about patents before doing so.


GoDaddy said, ‘think about questions that you would need answered before you decide to invest a lot of time and energy into an idea and ask your followers these questions. Remember, these are people who love your idea and want to help you bring it to life. Make use of their help.’

Rene Reinsberg, vice president of emerging products at GoDaddy, said ‘everyone has ideas, but too often they don’t go anywhere. We created Flare because we recognized the need for a community where people can get impartial feedback on ideas and connect with others to help them turn those ideas into something meaningful.

Whether you’ve just had a fleeting thought and want to explore where you might be able to take it, or you’ve been dreaming of creating your own business your whole life, Flare is the first place to go for someone who wants to take the next step,’ in an interview with VentureBeat.