10 Downing Street

IPSE: What the Self-Employed Need from the new PM and Cabinet

IPSE, the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed, has welcomed the new PM and Cabinet Ministers to their roles – but Simon McVicker, Director of Policy & External Affairs at IPSE, has wasted no time in outlining what freelancers and the self-employed need from them.

The new PM: “Many challenges in front of her.”

Mr McVicker welcomed the appointment of Theresa May as Prime Minister, saying that she had “many challenges in front of her,” but that she has “demonstrated that she has the right ability and 10 Downing Streettemperament to rise to these challenges.”

Those challenges, he said, begin with her need to “effectively plan and manage our departure from the EU with strong and committed leadership, while in close consultation with business organisations.”

He pointed out that under David Cameron’s leadership, there had been both improvements for the self-employed – such as the commitment to a Small Business Commissioner to tackle late payments – but also some “troubling measures,” such as the proposed changes to the taxation of contractors in the public sector.

“Theresa May must set out a bold plan that helps the self-employed and makes our economy the most flexible in Europe. Her Government should endeavour to secure global trade agreements and access to the single market while cutting burdensome regulation on small and micro businesses.”

The New Chancellor “Must restore Business Confidence.”

Mr Vickers said the Philip Hammond “brings credibility to one of the most important roles of state,” and while working with him when the Conservatives were in opposition, IPSE “found him to be someone with a full understanding of self-employment.”

“His first goal as Chancellor should be restoring business confidence,” he said, labelling Mr Hammond’s statement that there will be no Brexit budget as “a good start… the nation needs stability at this point.”

Pointing out that during times of change, “the flexibility of the UK economy has proved to be vital,” he said that the self-employed will be “crucial in the coming months and years” and called on Mr Hammond to “help create the most dynamic economy in Europe.”

The New Minister for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy “Must Support the Flexible Labour Market.”

Congratulating Greg Clark on his appointment, Mr Vickers pointed out how much progress had been made by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in making it easier for the self-employed to run their companies. “Particularly notable is the soon to be introduced Small Business Commissioner, an essential measure IPSE proposed to tackle the issue of late payment.”

“Mr Clark must now continue this work by supporting the flexible labour market – working with the Chancellor and following up on the recommendations of the Deane Review on self-employment. We look forward to working with him on behalf of the UK’s smallest businesses.”