Prepare your business for Halloween

How to prepare your business for Halloween

Tapping into a popular holiday that everyone’s talking about is an unmissable opportunity to get your business out there and try something new.

Taking notice of current affairs and holidays can go a long way into making your company and your brand look more human and approachable. You could focus on building your product line or Prepare your business for Halloweenservices around the holiday or you could use it as a theme for your online marketing.

With that in mind, here are a few ways you can use Halloween (or other holidays) to enhance your business:


Halloween themed content

If your business has a blog, then you might want to create some specifically Halloween themed content. It can be specifically about how your business relates to Halloween or it can be much broader and used as more of a theme. Either way, it’s good to acknowledge the holiday if only give your content a fresh angle.


Altered branding

You can add a little Halloween touch by including popular symbols to your website and logos. It’ll inject a little personality into your branding as well as catch people’s attention.


Halloween hashtags

A popular holiday is a good excuse to get some good, fresh social media marketing done. Social media can be great for advertising competitions and giveaways and getting some new attention for your business.

Keep up to date with popular Halloween hashtags and look for ways you can advertise your business there. Be careful not to go overboard with the marketing, people don’t want to be bombarded (unless you’re offering free stuff).

Try to keep some of your social media postings casual, conversational and entertaining as well as promotional. Social media is for conversations and interaction first and foremost.


Giveaways and competitions

Everyone likes free stuff. Halloween, like most holidays is a perfect time for giveaways and competitions. Promoting a competition via social media is a great way to draw interest and attention to your business as you’ll increase the amount of sharing and engagement on your feeds.


Bundles and offers

If you have products or services you can somehow link to Halloween, then have a think about creating new offers or bundles to promote during this period.

If you can get your hands on any Halloween themed products, do it now. If you have a restaurant or bar, try some Halloween inspired recipes or cocktails. Consider creating a new limited time offer over the weekend running up to Halloween.


Have you planned to include Halloween in your business? What tips would you share with others? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.