British Small Business Grants

Are You a Small Business Star?

There’s a chance to win a £5,000 grant by entering ‘a monthly cash competition for the UK’s brightest small business stars’ – but you’ve got to be in it to win it!

British Small Business GrantsBritish Small Business Grants

The British Small Business Grants initiative is the brainchild of Its aim is to offer, every month, financial assistance to one deserving small business to help it establish itself and expand.

Every month, a panel of judges choose a business to benefit from a £5,000 financial grant. The lucky winner is also featured on the site. Businesses will be judged on aspects such as potential in their sector, turnover growth, innovation, aspiration, key projects completed, contracts won and partnerships forged.

Is Your Business Eligible for a Small Business Grant?

To be eligible for entry, your small business must:

  • Have been incorporated at least a year ago
  • Be actively trading
  • Have an annual turnover of between £50,000 and £500, 000

Applications can only be made once every quarter. If you try to apply within three months of your last application, your entry will not be considered. But that’s still 4 chances a year to convince the judges that your business deserves a financial boost – and entering is simple.

Applying to Win a Small Business Grant

Applications must be submitted before the monthly application deadline, which is shown via a countdown clock on the website’s homepage and application page each month.

Entry to the competition is free. You simply fill in the Grant Application form on the application page. The form asks for some basic information and contact details, then gives you space to explain why your business should win.

You need to detail the progress of your business since it launched, describing its achievements and giving evidence of its successes (including facts, figures and examples where you can). Tell the judges about your turnover growth, any key contracts you have won and any partnerships you’ve made. Don’t forget to include what your future plans are. Where do you want your business to go next?

You can attach files to your application at this stage. All that remains are a few simple yes/no questions about your business needs – and you’re done!

Your application will be considered for a monthly shortlist, which is sent to the judging panel for the final selection process. The monthly winner is revealed in the middle of the following month, around three weeks after the deadline.

If you’re lucky enough to be the winner, your prize will be paid within 30 days of the winner announcement on the website and you’ll be given the chance to feature in on, discussing your grant and how you plan to spend it.

It’s simple to enter and there are four chances a year to do so – if you’re eligible, what have you got to lose? Start writing about your business star status right now!