
Cameron enlists Ultimo founder Michelle Mone to encourage entrepreneurship in Britain

When you think of the most suitable candidates to front a new governmental plight to reach out to budding entrepreneurs from disadvantaged areas, you perhaps don’t instantly imagine the peroxide vision that is Ultimo-founder Michelle Mone. However, despite dropping out of high school and leaving Glasgow with no qualifications, this glamourous yummy mummy has built herself a £20million empire and her entrepreneurial nouse is exactly why she has been hand-picked by David Cameron to front a brand new review.

After mastering modelling, motherhood, underwear design and entrepreneurship, Mone is set to add a shiny new string to her ever-expanding bow as a leader of Cameron’s latest review. Last year entrepreneurship in Britain Mone sold an 80% share in her internationally renowned via a multi-million pound deal and is now focusing her energies on cultivating more rags-to-riches stories just like her own.

The review will be targeting those from the most disadvantaged parts of the country and those benefit claimants, women, young people, disabled people and ex-offenders who reside within them to encourage them to become entrepreneurs. Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith this is the demographic that requires extra support from the government and sees Mone as the perfect fit for the job.

He said: “Entrepreneurship can play an important role in supporting economic growth and creating jobs in our most disadvantaged communities. However, people living in those areas face a range of additional barriers they need to overcome in starting and growing businesses.

“I am delighted Michelle has agreed to lead this review. There’s no one I can think of that’s better qualified to help young entrepreneurs from deprived backgrounds to turn a good idea into a flourishing business.

“We used to be known as a nation of shopkeepers. I want Michelle to report back to me on how we can encourage people of all background to take up this entrepreneurial spirit.”

Mone herself also commented and said: “My philosophy is that it does not matter where you are from, what education you have, or if you are from an affluent background or not, you can make it if you work hard, set your goals and never give up.

“I’ll be travelling across the UK to talk and listen to people and groups from all backgrounds. I want to learn about the barriers they are facing and what changes are needed. A truly modern and successful economy needs to be able to unleash the entrepreneurial energy or skills of everyone is society.”

Mone hasn’t always been so Conservative in her thinking and admits that, until recently, she tended more towards the Labour party. When commenting on her political evolution she said: “I’ve always been Labour through and through but I think the Conservatives did inherit a really bad business five years ago, and I think they’ve done a hell of a good job.” It is expected that Mone will be confirmed as a Conservative peer later on this year.