Dozens of SMEs are taking RBS to court, claiming that the banking giant’s GSG arm drove them to bankruptcy in a push to increase its own profits. ...
It was announced with a splash of publicity and hopes that it would be met with enthusiasm from all. Since the 1st of April, a new National Living Wage has made it compulsory for companies to pay their staff at ...
Business Secretary Sajid Javid has announced the next step in the government’s plan to slash red tape for businesses, vowing to investigate employment rules that could be stifling British entrepreneurship. ...
HSBC have announced the introduction of a new small business loan scheme to be rolled out across the UK this year. The overall fund will total £10 billion and will be divided among regions in Britain and Northern Ireland to ...
A report from property consultancy Arcadis has found that London expects to build over 35,000 new homes over the next ten years. While more housing might be welcome news, the ‘luxury’ aspect is unlikely to be popular with the average ...
Popular in Sweden, five or six hour work days are a relatively new experiment that more companies are starting to embrace. Though the very idea might make company owners either laugh or stare in horror, those who do choose to ...
The New Living Wage – the compulsory pay rate of £7.20 an hour minimum for those over 25 – comes into effect on 10th April, and while everyone would agree that we all deserve to earn enough money to live ...
With instant access to news online and social media sharing, companies are now more conscious of their public image than ever. They are also more likely to be held accountable for their social and environmental shortcomings. This has led to ...
With new technology and methods of communication it is becoming easier for employers to offer flexible working and keep track of productivity. Millennials are now the largest generation in the workforce and have started to reject the idea of the ...
You don’t have to be a Jedi Master to take on an apprentice. You just need to be prepared to support and train someone, passing on your knowledge and experience in return for their hard work. This makes apprentices ideal ...