Business Angel

Are You a Business Angel? Your Opinions Are Needed!

The British Business Bank (BBB) and the UK Business Angels Association (UKBAA) are conducting research on the nature and impact of business angels on the UK economy, and they’re asking active angel investors to take part in a brief survey to assist them.

Support at a Practical and Policy Level

The survey focuses on the activity and profile of business angels in the UK. It’s designed to help expand on previous research and reveal what can be done at a policy and practical level to better support business angels in the future.

In its press release, the UK Business Angels Association explained:

“Relevant and current data about angel investing in the UK is presently lacking, so UKBAA is delighted to be partnering with the British Business Bank to carry out some much-needed research into the angel investment landscape. Our aim is to develop a really good snapshot of the general characteristics of the UK angel community in 2017 – taking into consideration what are the main factors influencing people’s investment approaches, the length of time they expect to hold investments, and the regions and sectors angels are investing in. And much more!

The British Business Bank and UKBAA have jointly commissioned IFF Research, an experienced independent market research agency, to carry this out for us. We are currently encouraging angel investors to participate in this research – via a short online survey that takes around 5-7 minutes to complete.”

Painting a Picture of the Business Angel Market

The information provided will help the British Business Bank and UKBAA to build a better picture of the business angel market and inform their work in delivering policies, programmes and support for the business angel community. All information provided will be completely confidential and anonymised and all data reported only on an aggregate basis.

You can find out more by contacting For further information contact Jenny Redman from UKBAA or Bronwyn McDonald at BBB.