cyber security

Cyber security and reducing risk to your business

In a time in which cyber attacks pose a substantial threat to businesses of all sizes, it has never been more important for business owners and managers to take control of their cyber security to reduce a company’s vulnerability to an attack.

A government survey found that in 2017, for 74% of businesses surveyed cyber security was a high priority for their business. Whilst 74% is a positive percentage, 26% is a worryingly high numbercyber security of businesses that are failing to see the importance of effective cyber security for their business.

The survey also revealed the most common security breaches that had occurred amongst UK businesses, these were:

  • Fraudulent emails
  • Viruses, spyware & malware
  • Impersonations of an organisation in emails or online
  • Ransomware

With the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) next May, those businesses that have not yet implemented effective cyber security must do so at the earliest possible moment. Should a business fail to do this, and a data breach occurs, they are likely to incur a hefty financial penalty as a result of having inadequate security measures.

How can the risk of a cyber-attack be reduced?

Effective email security

Losses from fraud attacks are growing at a rate of over 300% year on year, therefore it is essential that a business implements an effective email security solution.


Ensure you use appropriate passwords, i.e. not a password that relates to your personally or the business. It is best to have a password that does not include actual words, you should have different passwords for each separate login and you should change passwords regularly.

Staff training

Ensure all staff within a business are knowledgeable about cyber security procedures and are able to effectively identify possible breaches in cyber security (e.g. fraudulent emails).


Your business should have adequate firewalls in place to protect networks and critical data from any potential attacks.

There are many ways that businesses can reduce their risk of cyber attacks, if you are unsure that you have the adequate procedures in place it is highly recommended that you ask for an expert opinion.


Article written by the Pescado team