Solution And Problem

Five Fresh Ways to Revamp a Struggling Business

Business is a struggle, you are certainly not alone if yours has fallen on tough times. The way you deal with this inevitable time will either make or break your business.

We’ve got some tips on how to give your business a much-needed boost during difficult periods.

Develop a new marketing planSolution And Problem

We know you don’t want to fork out thousands for a huge marketing campaign but hear us out first.

Tired marketing strategies that were developed years ago may not be as relevant now. They may be based on outdated information which could explain a dip in sales or website traffic.

It’s important that you’re always basing marketing decisions on fresh information. That may mean keeping on top of the latest marketing and social media trends that will bring your business more in line with the present day.

Look for a business partner or investors

If you’ve been at it alone and it’s not working out, it might seem like admitting defeat to bring someone else in. It’s not a sign of defeat to ask for help by bringing a new business partner or investor on board.

A new business partner can bring fresh eyes to your business and see things you won’t have noticed. They can bring experience and ideally a cash injection that could be just the thing you need.

Take more risks

If you’ve been too hesitant, this could be holding your business back. Business is made up of risks. That doesn’t mean to say you should be impulsive and take unnecessary, uncalculated risks but it might be worth being a bit riskier in your business dealings and trying out new things you’ve not done before.


Sometimes a rebrand can refresh a stale brand that isn’t turning heads in the modern market.

The downside to this is that it can end up being expensive if you’ve got to change your website, shop signs, marketing materials to feature your new logo. So this might not be an option if cash isn’t available.

However, a rebrand doesn’t necessarily mean redesigning your website, it could just mean that you’re changing your services or marketing focus instead. A new focus can be the start of a rebrand. If it proves to be successful, you can then go through the whole process of redesigning websites and logos if necessary.

Change direction

If you’ve been on the same track for a while, it could be the right time to mix things up a bit and change direction. It could be that you’re too niche or your focus is too wide and hard to compete with highly focused brands.

Look at what the competition is doing right. It could be that you need a new marketing campaign, a new focus on a different type of customer, a rebrand or a total update to your original business plan.

Have you tried any of these tips out on your business? Please share any thoughts or tips in the comments.