Harrow: The Small Business Friendly Borough

Harrow: The Small Business Friendly Borough

The Small Business Friendly Borough Awards, organised by the London Region of The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and London Councils to recognise  councils that champion and support small businesses, have named the London borough of Harrow as the Best All Round Small Business Friendly Borough for its work to promote start-ups and business growth. 

Harrow Means Business 

Harrow showed its commitment to business with a programme of 21 business-focused events attended by 753 firms, including its ‘Harrow Means Business’ expo.Harrow: The Small Business Friendly Borough

Now in its fourth year, Harrow Means Business is free to attend and brings together hundreds of business owners and decision-makers to network, attend seminars and shop from suppliers that provide unique products & services. It also provides a chance for attendees to book appointments for 1:1 sessions with experts from several disciplines, including accounting, law, web design, business development, financial planning and start up loans.

It was also Harrow’s second year running a Dragon’s Den style event. Harrow’s Business Den considered entries in three categories: new and emerging enterprises, Review Time (for businesses that have not progressed as anticipated) and New Developments (for businesses wanting to expand and diversify). Prizes for the winners included a free mentoring package, an opportunity to test business ideas in a trading environment, free business training courses and marketing of the winner’s business through press coverage and the Council’s social media channels.

Other Business Friendly Boroughs

Other councils winning awards included Westminster, whose support of Maida Hill Place, a social enterprise providing restaurant, kitchen space and advice to food start-ups, earned it the award for Best Place-Based Campaign to Support Local Trade, and Enfield, winning the Best Small Business Friendly Procurement award for its sustainable procurement policy enabling small businesses to access public sector contracts.

Merton’s Business Support Service, which has a dedicated team offering one-to-one advice to businesses, won the award for Best Programme of Support for Small Businesses and a commendation for its start-up co-working space, Wimbletech, which supports 95 mobile/creative digital media specialists in Wimbledon Library.

Recognition for internet projects went to both Greenwich for its E-business programme, which helps small business to sell online, and Bexley for its Bexley for Business website.